Safety Engineering Department of KNURE



Senior lecturer of Safety Engineering Department, Ph.D. (Engineering)

Education and Career

1998 – graduated from the Kharkov Karazin university, the specialty Ecology, qualification of Ecologist.

since 2003 – 2006 – Assistant of Occupational safety department.

2006 – Assistant Professor of Occupational safety department.

2021 – the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy is appropriated.

Educational activity

Lecture courses: Life safety, Occupational safety and Civil defense.

Researcher activity

Research interests: Influence of harmful factors on human health.

International activity

Member of European association for security, Krakow, Poland.


Publications and patents

Has over 40 publications and educational publications, including:

  1. Stitsenko T.E., Pronyuk G.V., Serdyuk N.M., Hondak I.I. “Safety of Life”: a manual / T.E. Stitsenko, G.V. Pronyuk, N.M. Serdyuk, І.І. Hondak – Kharkiv: KNURE, 2018. – 336 pp.
  2. Collective monograph edited by V. Berezutsky “Upgrade of the Lyudin Mashin-Seredovische System” – Kharkov: FOP Mezona V.V., 2018. – 208p. Section 4.3., p. 200-207.
  3. Khondak I.I., Berezutskaya N.L., “Overview of the methods for purifying oily wastewater.” A collection of scientific articles and materials of the VIII International Scientific and Methodological Conference and the 115th EAS International Conference “Human Security in Modern Conditions”, 8–9 Dec., 2016, p. 287-292.